health check

Knowing where you are is the most important first step to getting where you want to be.

After our health check, you will have:

  • Observation-based snapshot of your culture and organization.

  • Fit analysis of the organization and culture for its mission.

Jacquarden will bring its deep listening skills to help you discover the culture you actually have and assess how well it is serving where you want to go. We emphasize direct observation as the approach for learning about your unique organization.

This will give you a picture of your organization’s current cultural values, its true organizational structure, and where you and your employees aspire to change to better meet your mission.

sounding board


As you embark on this path you will inevitably encounter personal challenges.

Jacquarden will be a:

  • Safe, independent listener who can provide a space to think and be uncertain.

What is valuable is to have someone deeply listen to you so you  are better prepared to lead.

Navigate change

After you know where you want to go, it is important for you to prepare your team to move forward. 

Your team will develop:

  • Skills in navigating change, including listening, negotiating with integrity, sharing authentically, uncovering motivations and aspirations, and taking risks.

Making culture change is a marathon not a sprint. Your team needs to be on board and ready to challenge your habits and examine behaviors as they are the expressions of your culture.

truth telling conversations

A critical skill for your whole team in moving forward is being able to share what is working and what is not working. 

Your organization will enhance:

  • Individual skills in sharing what works and what doesn’t.

  • Team capabilities in problem definition, root cause analysis, and solution evaluation.

Utilizing compassion and straight talk, you can develop teams that both share frankly, take care of each other well, and move ideas into action.

Results-Based business

What value you produce for your customers is what matters most in the end. 

Your organization will be better equipped through:

  • Decision model and clear, effective role descriptions that focus on accountabilities and authorities.

  • Organizational practices that work from strategy to implementation and ensure what we aspire to do is represented in the actions we take.

  • Techniques for discovering the underlying concerns behind the tasks we do, to better serve our customers and internal stakeholders.

Move away from measuring success as completing activities and move into measuring success by results. Free up the passions and creativity of your staff to do more than you might have expected.

Creating an Effective organization

Hallmarks of effective organizations are all the same, even if the cultures that they have are deeply different. 

Deepen your organizational effectiveness by building:

  • Cultural principles that are reflected in action in compensation, career growth, customer service, and quality.

  • Deep engagement practices that will let you know who is truly in, and who is not.

Working to principles is one of those critical elements. And it doesn’t mean hanging posters on the wall. It means activating those principles in daily decisions. Same goes for engagement.


For EOS® Implementers™ Jacquarden offers a support system as a companion to the implementation, including:

  • Building critical skills for change

  • Coaching through reorganization

  • Stewarding key relationships to be effective

  • Guiding cultural change

  • Enhancing organizational clarity

Download Enable for more details. For more information on EOS®, visit

Good governance

For growing small enterprises, Jacquarden offers guidance and support in board development, including:

  • Identifying board skills to meet mission

  • Assistance in screening and filling Board seats

  • Establishing or maturing Board capability

  • Navigating Board transitions